Dashavatara is a collective word for Lord Vishnu's ten avatars (incarnations) on Earth. The word 'Dasha' signifies ten, while the word 'Avatara' denotes incarnation. Four of them occurred during the Satya Yuga, three during the Treta Yuga, one during the Dvapara Yuga, one during the Kali Yuga, and one is yet to occur during the Kali Yuga. There are said to be a total of 24 Avatars of Lord Vishnu, however, these ten are the most important and well-known.

What are the Dashavatara, 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu?
Rishis or Sages chose ten Avatars from among the innumerable incarnations of Vishnu to represent the rest; these ten incarnations are called in Sanskrit Dashavatar. The Dashavatara list of Vishnu is introduced in the Garuda Purana (1st millennium BCE). The list of avatars featured varies by sect and area, particularly regarding the inclusion of Balarama who was Lord Krishna's brother or Gautama Buddha. Though no list can be provided as unambiguously as standard, the most accepted list is found in Puranas and other scriptures.Each avatar's narrative refers to a specific point in history when they were most required. This is referred to by some as the celestial cycle or the Time-Spirit. For example, Matsya, the first avatar, descended long before Balarama & Lord Buddha, the ninth avatar. According to more modern mythology, Balarama might have been the Lord Buddha. The avatars are supposed to re-establish the dharma, the course of righteousness or universal laws revealed in Hindu scriptures, regardless of their specific goal or period. The avatars' narratives, myths, and stories continue to be essential allegories in Hinduism. The 10 avatars along with Lord Vishnu Bhagwan images are noted below:
- Matsya Avatar (The Fish): Matsya is a half-fish, half-human manifestation of Vishnu. According to the Matsya Puran, Matsya alerts Manu, the human leader, of the great flood and assists him in saving all motile living beings, the Vedas, and the origins of all vegetation.
- Kurma Avatar (The Tortoise): Kurma is Vishnu's half-tortoise, half-man form. He balances Mount Mandara on his shell during the churning of the sea known as Samudra Manthan to assist the gods and demons in the churning process. He is also said to have carried the weight of the universe on his back.
- Varaha Avatar (The Boar): Varaha is Vishnu's half-man, half-boar avatar. In Hindu mythology, he massacres the monster Hiranyaksha to save Bhudevi, the personification of the earth and uses his tusks to bring her back to the surface from a sinking position.
- Narasimha Avatar (The Man Lion): Narsimha is Vishnu's half-lion, half-human avatar. He was born to bring the demonic king Hiranya Kashyap's reign to an end and to create harmony, hierarchy, justice, and additional qualities of dharma on Earth.
- Vamana Avatar (The Dwarf): Vamana, Vishnu's fifth avatar, was a diminutive Brahmin. This Lord Vishnu avatar comes to check the evil ruler Mahabali's burgeoning power, which he does by deceiving him during a sacrifice ceremony and sending him to the underworld.
- Parshurama Avatar (The Angry Man): Parshurama is Lord Vishnu's Brahmin Kshatriya avatar. He is represented as a sage holding an axe. He was born to put a stop to the tyranny of the terrible Kshatriyas, who abused their power and made the lives of others miserable, and to bring them to a magistrate.
- Rama Avatar (The Perfect Man): Lord Rama is the protagonist of the epic Ramayana and one of the most important and powerful Hindu deities. He assassinates the evil king Ravana to put an end to his terrible rule and liberate his wife Sita, whom Ravana had abducted.
- Krishna Avatar (The Divine Statesman): Lord Krishna is another great manifestation of Lord Vishnu. In Mahabharata, he is remembered for ending the reign of his despotic maternal uncle Kansa and serving as the Pandavas' advisor as well as Arjuna's charioteer and guide.
- Buddha Avatar (Lord Buddha): In search of enlightenment, Siddhartha Gautam, afterward known as Gautam Buddha, abandoned his family and all his possessions. Via the Noble Eightfold Paths, Buddha developed Buddhism and taught people how to end all types of suffering.
- Kalki Avatar (The Mighty Warrior): Kalki is the sole Vishnu avatar who has yet to be born. He will slay the monster, Kali, and usher, in a new Satyayuga or Kalkiyuga. Kali is the personification of all bad emotions and elements. Kalki is portrayed as a warrior on a white steed wielding a gleaming sword. He is not predicted to come until the conclusion of the current Kali Yuga. It is thought that Kalki will arrive to free the world from the oppression of unjust rulers. He is reported to appear on a white horse and wielding a fiery sword.
Why does Lord Vishnu incarnate on Earth?
- To guard Dharma during difficult times: Hinduism has three major deities: Lord Brahma is the creator, Lord Vishnu is the guardian, and Lord Shiva is the destroyer (the destroyer). Because Lord Vishnu's purpose is to safeguard the universe, whenever the bad forces outnumber the exemplary forces and there is a need to habilitate dharma that is fairness, Lord Vishnu incarnates and destroys the wicked forces while also restoring dharma.
- Because of Sage Bhrigu's curse: When the gods attacked the Asuras, they fled to Sage Bhrigu's hermitage. Kavyamata, the sage's wife, erected arcane protection around the sanctuary. Lord Vishnu utilized his Sudarshan Chakra to breach the shield. He succeeded in destroying it, but Kavyamata was slain in the process. Sage Bhrigu became enraged with Lord Vishnu and condemned him for having to take numerous avatars on Earth and suffer the worst misery and confinement as a result of his sin of woman-slaughter.
- To Assassinate the Despotic Asuras: Most of Lord Vishnu's avatars are linked to Asuras in some form. Lord Vishnu not only rescues people but also assists gods in reclaiming heaven from Asuras. Killing bad Asuras is likewise one of his responsibilities.
- To safeguard the environment: Earth, according to Hinduism, is divinity and an embodiment of the goddess Lakshmi. If Earth's existence is threatened, he incarnates and guards her as well. According to the Vishnu Purana, this has already happened nine times and will happen for the tenth time in this Yuga, i.e. the Kali Yuga also known as the dark age.
What is an Avatara?In Sanskrit, avatara (or incarnation) refers to God or a Deity's "appearance" or "manifestation" in an earthly embodiment. Lord Vishnu is primarily associated with the notion of an avatara. Religious God idols are also known as the depiction of the deity.
Why is Lord Vishnu blue?
According to mythology, Lord Krishna drank poisoned milk provided to him by a demon as a baby, which caused a bluish hue in his skin.
What is the pattern of Dashavatara?
If you look attentively, you will notice a pattern in Lord Vishnu's ten incarnations. Four avatars occurred during Satya Yuga, three during Treta Yuga, two during Dvapara Yuga, and one during Kali Yuga. In each Yuga, the number of incarnations has decreased by one. Furthermore, the first four incarnations are related to animals, whereas the latter incarnations are entirely human. The cow is compared to dharma in the Puranas, and it is believed that the cow of dharma stands on four legs in Satya Yuga, three in Treta Yuga, two in Dvapara Yuga, and one leg in Kali Yuga. So it appears that Lord Vishnu's incarnations are represented by the legs of the cow.
When Lord Vishnu incarnates, does he come on the Earth, or are Dashavatara his clones?
There are some inconsistencies in the scriptures on this. According to several Puranas, he visits Earth. But how could he have two of his avatars on Earth at an identical time? Lord Parashurama was not only attending but also taking an active role in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, as we can see. Also, according to the Bhavishya Purana, Lord Parashurama will train Kalki Avatar when he arrived. Lord Vishnu rules throughout many universes. In various worlds, there could be millions of planets like Earth. So, rather than arriving himself, I believe it is more convenient for him to send his precursors around. As a result, Dashavatara is most likely one of his divine clones, who contain a portion of his spirit and body. But in current times, you can get lord Vishnu wall paintings that are the perfect depiction of him.
In Satya or Krita Yuga, the first four avatars of God Vishnu manifested also known as the Golden Age. The following three appeared during Treta Yuga, the eighth and ninth during Dwapara Yuga, and the tenth Kalki Avatar towards the conclusion of Kali Yuga. There are several movies and also books written on the 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu. You can also get Lord Vishnu idols, statues online at eCraftIndia. According to the Bhagavata Mahapuran, anytime evil triumphs over good, darkness triumphs over light, and tyranny triumphs over justice, Lord Vishnu will reincarnate on earth to correct Dharma and show the people down the correct path.