Who is br ambedkar?
B.R. Ambedkar was born on April 14th, 1891 in Mhow (presently known as Dr. Ambedkar Nagar), a town and army military camp in Gujarat (now in Madhya Pradesh). He was the 14th and youngest child of Ramji Maloji Sakpal, a Subedar in the army, and Bhimabai Sakpal. Ambedkar was born into the Mahar (Dalit) caste, which was discriminated against on the basis of their socioeconomic status and classified as untouchables. Ambedkar completed his studies at Elphinstone College, University of Bombay, and went on to earn doctorates in economics from Columbia University and the London School of Economics, respectively, in 1927 and 1923. In addition, he studied law at Gray's Inn in London.By 1927, Ambedkar had concluded that active campaigns against untouchability were essential. He began with a public protest and march to increase public access to drinking water resources. His struggle for religious freedom greatly evolved when he started fighting for the ability to access Hindu temples. In Mahad, he successfully led a satyagraha movement to guarantee the untouchable community's access to the town's major water source.
Ambedkar received the Bharat Ratna in 1990, which is India's highest civilian honor, posthumously. Additionally, he is known as Babasaheb.
Only Ambedkar completed his exams and attended high school among his siblings and sisters. His father changed his surname from Sakpal to Ambadawekar when he registered him for school, indicating that he is from the Ratnagiri district hamlet of Ambadawe. His previous surname was Sakpal. In school records, Krishnaji Keshav Ambedkar, a Marathi Brahmin, altered his surname from "Ambadawekar" to "Ambedkar." Ambedkar's family went to Mumbai in 1897, and he became the lone untouchable student at Elphinstone High School. He married Ramabai, a nine-year-old girl, in 1906, when he was around 15 years old. According to the traditions in place at the time, the couple's parents organized the marriage.After passing his matriculation test in 1907, he enrolled in Elphinstone College, which had been associated with the University of Bombay, the following year, becoming, in his opinion, the first member of his caste of Mahar to do so.
He graduated from Bombay University with a degree in political science and economics in 1912, and he then prepared to start working for the Baroda state administration.
When he was 22 years old, Sayajirao Gaekwad III launched a program to offer possibilities for postgraduate study at Columbia University in New York City. Ambedkar received a Baroda State Scholarship under this program in 1913.
He finished his second master's thesis in 1916 for a second M.A., titled "National Dividend of India: A Historical and Analytical Study." Ambedkar obtained his Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University on May 9, 1927.
He was appointed Professor of Political Economy at Mumbai's Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics in 1918. While he was popular with the students, some professors objected to him sharing a water jug with them.Ambedkar eventually started working as a lawyer. In 1926, he managed to defend three non-Brahmin personalities who were charged with slander after blaming the Brahmin group for wrecking India. He attempted to educate and improve untouchables while working as a lawyer in the Bombay High Court. Ambedkar had planned to commence serious campaigns against untouchability by 1927. In a plan to enlarge access to public drinking water resources, he started with rallies and marches.
After three months of planning, Ambedkar began the Kalaram Temple initiative in 1930. At the Kalaram Temple Satyagraha, around 15,000 volunteers came together to form one of Nashik's largest processions. A military band and scouts led the parade; ladies and men traveled with discipline, order, and desire to meet the lord for the first time.
In the Communal Award, the British colonial authority announced the introduction of a separate electorate for "Depressed Classes" in 1932. Mahatma Gandhi was strongly opposed to untouchables having their own electorate because he believed it would cause conflict in the Hindu community. While imprisoned at Poona's Yerwada Central Jail, Gandhi protested by fasting.
The Poona Pact was signed on September 25, 1932, by Ambedkar on behalf of the lower caste classes and Madan Mohan Malaviya in support of the other Hindus. In the Provisional legislatures, the agreement allocated special seats for the underprivileged sections of the electorate. The phrase "Depressed Classes" was used in the book to refer to Hindu Untouchables, who have been later referred to as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Indian Constitution.
Political Career
Ambedkar was chosen to serve as the Government Law College's principal in Bombay in 1935. Just after the death of its founding father, Shri Rai Kedarnath, he held the position of the governing council of Ramjas College, University of Delhi. Ambedkar established the Independent Labour Party in 1936, and it ran in the 1937 election for Central Legislative Assembly in Bombay for the 13 seats reserved and the 4 general seats. Ambedkar held the position of minister for labor and served on the Viceroy's Executive Council and Defence Advisory Committee.Following the Muslim League's Lahore resolution (1940) requesting Pakistan, Ambedkar published a 400-page book entitled Thoughts on Pakistan, that examined the notion of "Pakistan" in all of its dimensions. The Hindus should give the Muslims control of Pakistan, according to Ambedkar. He suggested that the boundaries between the Muslim and non-Muslim-dominated regions of Punjab and Bengal be changed.
Ambedkar was invited by the Dominion of India's new prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, to work as the Republic of India's minister of law on August 15, 1947. Two weeks later, Ambedkar was named chairman of the Constitution-drafting committee for the forthcoming Republic of India.
Books written by B.R. Ambedkar
Different volumes of DR. Ambedkar's writings and speeches were published by the Education Department of the Maharashtra (Mumbai) government. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's books are also published by the Ministry of Social Justice, in addition to the Maharashtra government.Ambedkar's two best-selling publications are "The Problem of the Rupee" and "The Annihilation of Caste." The social system of India and the Indian economy, respectively, are the subjects of these two publications.
Books and Thesis
- Administration and finance of the East India Company
- The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India
- The problem of the Rupees: Its Origin and Its Solution
- Annihilation of Caste Published in 1936
- Which way to Emancipation? Published in 1936
- Federation versus Freedom, Published in 1936
- Pakistan or the Partition of India / Thoughts on Pakistan, Published in 1940
- Rande, Gandhi, and Jinnah, Published in 1943
- Mr. Gandhi and the Emancipation of the Untouchables, Published in 1943
- What Congress and Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables, Published in June 1945
- Communal Deadlock and a Way to Solve It, Published in 1946
- Who Were the Shudras? By BR Ambedkar, Published in 1946
- A critique of The Proposals of Cabinet Mission for Indian Constitution changes in so far as they affect the Scheduled Castes, Published in 1946
- The Cabinet Mission and the Untouchables, Published in 1946
- States and Minorities, Published in 1947
- Maharashtra as a Linguist Province, Published in 1948
- The Untouchables: Who Were They are Why They Become Untouchables - Thoughts on the Linguistic States: A critique of the Report of the States Reorganization Commission, Published in 1955
- The Buddha and His Dhamma, Published in 1957
- Riddle's in Hinduism
- Dictionary of Pali Language (Pali-English)
- The Pali Grammar
- Waiting for a Visa (An Autobiography)
- A people at Bay
- Untouchables or the Children of India's Ghetto
- Can I be a Hindu?
- What the Brahmins Have Done to the Hindus
- Essays of Bhagwat Gita
- India and Communism
- Revolution and Counter-revolution in Ancient India
- The Buddha or Karl Marx
- Constitution and Constitutionalism
- On Franchise and Framing Constituencies, Published in 1919
- Statement of Evidence to the Royal Commission of Indian Currency, Published in 1926
- Protection of the Interests of the Depressed Classes, Published in 1928
- State of Education of the Depressed Classes in the Bombay Presidency, Published in 1928
- Constitution of the Government of Bombay Presidency, Published in 1929
- A Scheme of Political Safeguards for the protection of the Depressed in the Future Constitution of a Self- governing India, Published in 1930
- The Claims of the Depressed Classes for Special Representation, Published in 1931
- Franchise and Tests of Untouchability, Published in 1932
- The Cripps Proposals on Constitutional Advancement, Published in 1942
- Grievances of the Schedule Castes, Published in 1942
Research Papers, Articles, and Books Review
- Castes in India: Their Genius, Mechanism, and Development Published in 1918
- Mr. Russel and the Reconstruction of Society, Published in 1918
- Small Holding In India and Their Remedies, Published in 1918
- Currency and Exchanges, Published in 1925
- The Present Problem of Indian Currency, Published in 1925
- Report of Taxation Enquiry Committee, Published in 1926
- Thoughts on the Reform of Legal Education in the Bombay Presidency, Published in 1936
- The Rise and Fall of Hindu Women, Published in 1950
- Need for Checks and Balances, Published in 1953
- Buddha Pooja Path, Published in Nov 1956
- Forward to Untouchable Workers of Bombay City, Published in 1938)''
- Forward to commodity Exchange, Published in 1947
- Preface to the Essence of Buddhism, Published in 1948
- Forward to Social Insurance and India, Published in 1948
- Preface to Rashtra Rakshake Vaidik Sadhan, Published in 1948
- Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was his parents' 14th and youngest child. Ambawadekar was Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's true surname. However, in the school records, his professor, Mahadev Ambedkar, gave him Ambedkar's identity.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was the very first Indian to receive a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Economics from a foreign university. - The greatest conversion in history took place when Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar converted to Buddhism with the help of 8,50,000 followers throughout the globe.
- Babasaheb was introduced to Buddhism by the famous Buddhist monk "Mahant Veer Chandramani," who referred to him as "the new Buddha of our age."
- Only Dr. Ambedkar's statue stands next to Karl Marx's in the London Museum.
- Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is also credited with the "Ashok Chakra" within the Indian Flag. Despite the reality that Pingali Venkayya created the national flag.
- Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was a 64-subject master. He spoke Hindi, Pali, Sanskrit, English, French, German, Marathi, Persian, and Gujarati, among other languages. Aside from that, he spent about 21 years studying all of the world's religions in comparative detail.
- Babasaheb finished 8 years of education at the London School of Economics in just 2 years and 3 months.
- Nobel Laureate Prof. Amartya Sen considers Dr. B. R. Ambedkar to be his economics father.
- In the 1950s, Babasaheb recommended dividing Madhya Pradesh and Bihar for greater development.
- The world's biggest private library, Babasaheb's personal library "Rajgirh," had over 50,000 books.
- "Waiting for a Visa" is used as a subject in Columbia University. In 2004, Columbia University published a ranking of the world's top scholars, with Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar at the top.
- Babasaheb is the first and only individual to ever obtain from the London School of Economics the prestigious doctoral degree known as "Doctor All Science." Many high achievers have attempted, and none have succeeded until now.
- Buddhist monks awarded the highest title in Buddhism, "Bodhisattva," to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in 1954 during the "World Buddhist Council" meeting in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Buddha and His Dhamma, his best-known work, is considered the "scripture" of Indian Buddhism.
- Three great people—Lord Buddha, Saint Kabir, and Mahatma Phule—were regarded by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar as their "instructors."
- Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has the most songs and books published in his honor across the world.
- Mahatma Gandhi and Governor Lord Linlithgow said Babasaheb was smarter than 500 graduate students and thousands of experts.
- Buddha's closed-eyed sculptures and paintings can be seen all over the world, but Babasaheb, who was also a talented painter, created the first image of Buddha in which Buddha's eyes were opened.
- One of the highest statues in the entire world is Babasaheb's statue. His birthday is also honored all around the world.
- Babasaheb was the first member of the depressed group to practice law.
- Oxford University compiled a list of the top 100 secularists of the last 10,000 years based on a global poll called "The Makers of the Universe," including Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar as the fourth name.
- Babasaheb was the first ever Satyagrahi in history, and his Satyagraha was for access to clean water.
- Babasaheb's first statue was created in 1950, while he was still alive, and it is now located in Kolhapur.
- In his book "The Problem of Rupee-Its Origin and Solution," Babasaheb Ambedkar makes several proposals regarding demonetization, which is now being debated all over the world.
Ambedkar had diabetes since 1948. Due to medication side effects and bad eyesight, he stayed at home from June to October 1954. In 1955, his condition worsened. Ambedkar died in his sleep at his home in Delhi on December 6, 1956, three days after completing his final manuscript, The Buddha and His Dhamma.A funeral was held on December 7 at Dadar Chowpatty beach, attended by 500,000 people. On December 16, 1956, a conversion program was organized so that cremation participants may also be converted to Buddhism in the same location.
In his honor, the Ambedkar Memorial in Lucknow was built having Babasaheb Ambedkar's painting. The chaitya is composed of monuments depicting his life. The socio-political reformer Ambedkar's legacy has a significant impact on contemporary India. He strongly opposed the caste system and defended individual freedom. He sparked outrage and resentment among Hindus by claiming that Hinduism is the root of the caste system.
Ambedkar was honored with a 12-foot-tall bronze statue in the Indian Parliament on April 2, 1967. B.V. Wagh sculpted the statue. A painting of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was hanged in Parliament House's Central Hall on April 12, 1990. Zeba Amrohawi painted B.R Ambedkar's painting. Another portrait of Ambedkar is displayed at the Parliamentary Museum and archives. You can also buy many patriotic wall paintings online and beautify your home.