Yoga is like exercise for your body and mind. It's not just stretching; it's also calming your thoughts. People do different poses and focus on breathing to find balance and peace. It's like recharging your mind and body at the same time. Cow Face Pose, or Gomukhasana, is a yoga move where you sit and lock your arms behind your back. The name comes from Sanskrit words: "go" means cow, and "mukha" means face. Gomukhasana makes you more flexible, helps your posture, and stretches important muscles. When you lock your arms, you'll feel a nice stretch in your shoulders and chest, bringing balance and calmness. This ancient yoga move blends physical and mental well-being, along with this you can explore the timeless charm of Yoga Figurines from eCraftIndia, specially crafted to capture the beauty of this revered pose.
Gomukhasana Cow Face Pose

What is Gomukhasana?

Gomukhasana is a yoga pose where you stack your knees and bring your arms behind your back, forming a cow-face-like shape. This stretch is great for shoulders and hips, enhancing flexibility and balance.
Elevate the peace of poses like Gomukhasana by adding a beautiful Yoga Sculpture to your practice. Gomukhasana, or Cow Face Pose, not only cultivates flexibility and balance in shoulders and hips but also invites tranquility into your practice. Deepen the serenity by incorporating a stunning Yoga Sculpture, intertwining art with mindful movement, elevating the spiritual essence of each stretch and strengthening the connection between body and soul.

How to do it? Step by step

  1. Start in a comfortable seated position.
  2. Raise your right arm overhead, bending the elbow and reaching your hand down your back.
  3. Extend your left arm to the side and bend the elbow, bringing the hand up your back.
  4. Try to clasp your fingers behind your back, with the right elbow pointing up and the left elbow pointing down.
  5. If you can't reach your fingers, use a strap or towel to bridge the gap between your hands.
  6. Once your hands are connected, sit up tall and lift your chest, opening your shoulders.
  7. For the legs, stack your right knee directly on top of the left one, forming a sort of "cow face."
  8. Keep your spine straight, and hold the pose, breathing deeply.
  9. Repeat on the other side by switching the arm positions and leg stacking.

Like yoga harmonizing opposing forces, eCraftIndia offers a curated collection of Yoga Lady Statue sculptures, capturing the delicate balance between strength and grace.

Benefits of Gomukhasana

Gomukhasana can bring a lot of emotional, mental and physical benefits. Here are the some of the benefits of Gomukhasana:
  1. Shoulder and Chest Stretch: Loosens and stretches the muscles in shoulders and chest, relieving tension.
  2. Sciatic Pain Relief: Alleviates sciatic pain by stretching and releasing tension in the sciatic nerve.
  3. Posture Improvement: Cow Face Pose, or Gomukhasana, not only works on muscles and joints. It opens up your chest and shoulders, countering the effects of sitting too long. It strengthens and aligns the spine, contributing to better posture over time.
  4. Enhanced Lung Capacity: Deepens the breath, enhancing lung capacity and promoting respiratory health.
  5. Mental Relaxation: Encourages mental relaxation through focused breathing and mindful practice.
  6. Emotional benefits: Emotionally, it helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a more balanced and centered state of mind.
Regular practice contributes to a healthier spine and may ease discomfort from a sedentary lifestyle. Let the Yoga Pose Statue eCraftIndia be a symbol of your commitment to well-being. Its meditative quality adds to mental relaxation, making it valuable in holistic well-being routines. Elevate your physical and mental well-being with the graceful essence of Yoga Pose Figurines.

Modifications and Variations

Beginners can improve their Gomukhasana by sitting on a block for added comfort. If connecting hands is tricky, use a strap for support. Explore eCraftIndia' collection where each Yoga Pose Sculpture is a masterpiece. Advanced practitioners can enhance the stretch by adding a forward bend. Integrating this pose into a flow sequence brings fluidity and complexity to the practice. Alongside yoga, indulge in artistry with Yoga Statues Figurines adding elegance to your space.

Ensuring a safe practice

Ensuring a safe practice in Gomukhasana is of utmost importance. By prioritizing safety, practitioners can focus on grounding both sit bones for stability, a fundamental aspect that forms the foundation of a secure posture. Here are some precautions you can take -

  • Ground sit bones for stability
    Begin by firmly connecting both sit bones to the mat, creating a stable foundation for the pose.
  • Use props if clasping hands is challenging
    If reaching and clasping hands behind the back is difficult, consider using yoga props such as a strap or a yoga block to improve flexibility gradually.
  • Prioritize steady breathing for tension prevention
    Emphasize controlled and steady breaths throughout the practice to release tension and promote a mindful experience.
  • Be cautious with injured shoulders or hips in Gomukhasana
    If you have shoulder or hip injuries, approach Gomukhasana with caution, and consider modifications or consulting with a yoga instructor for personalized guidance.
  • Pregnant women should modify the pose if needed
    Expectant mothers should modify Gomukhasana to ensure comfort and safety during pregnancy.
  • Listen to your body and stop if you feel discomfort or pain
    Pay close attention to your body's signals. If you experience discomfort or pain, it's crucial to respect your limits and refrain from pushing beyond what feels right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is Gomukhasana suitable for beginners?
    Absolutely! Beginners can start by using props like a block or a strap for added comfort and support.
  2. Can Gomukhasana help with sciatic pain?
    Yes, Gomukhasana can alleviate sciatic pain by stretching and releasing tension in the sciatic nerve.
  3. What are the benefits of incorporating Gomukhasana into a yoga routine
    Gomukhasana offers benefits such as improved shoulder and chest flexibility, hip opening, posture enhancement, sciatic pain relief, increased lung capacity, and mental relaxation.
  4. Why is mental relaxation emphasized in Gomukhasana?
    Gomukhasana's meditative quality contributes to mental relaxation, making it valuable in holistic well-being routines. The serene Gomukhasana enhances mental calmness for overall well-being practices.
  5. Are there variations for different skill levels?
    Yes, modifications can be made based on individual flexibility. Beginners may use props or focus on one arm at a time before attempting the full pose. Absolutely, adapting to personal flexibility is key. Props and gradual progression support beginners in mastering the full pose.
  6. How long should one hold the Cow Face Pose?
    Holding the pose for 30 seconds to a minute on each side can be beneficial. However, the duration can be adjusted based on individual comfort and experience. Extending the stretch fosters flexibility, but tailor it to comfort.


Surrounding yourself with the peaceful energy creates a harmonious ambiance for your Gomukhasana journey. As you delve into the intricacies of this pose, allow the essence of serenity embodied by the idols to permeate your practice. The art of Gomukhasana extends beyond its physical aspects, it becomes a meditative dance when guided by the tranquil gaze of Buddha. Embrace the fusion of ancient wisdom and yogic mastery, unlocking not only flexibility and pain relief but also a profound connection with your inner self. In the presence of Buddha's serene countenance by keeping Lord Buddha Idols at your home, your yoga mat transforms into a sacred space for holistic well-being.