Vastu Shastra Tips for a temple at home
Jupiter is said to be the God of the Northeast direction, which is additionally called the ‘Ishan Kona. Ishan is known as Ishwar or God and that is how it is the path of God or Jupiter. Therefore, it is prudent to place the synagogue in that direction. Furthermore, the Earth’s inclination is additionally towards the northeast area exclusively and it goes with the starting position of the northeast. Consequently, this turn is similar to the motor of the train, which draws the complete train. The position of the temple in this direction of the home is additionally similar to that it attracts the powers of the complete home towards it and later, brings it ahead. A synagogue located in the center of the home, a section that is known as the Brahmasthan, is also supposed to be promising and can produce accomplishment and great fitness for the residents.Through extraordinary pujas, the complete family manages to pray collectively. Hence, assure that there is sufficient area for the family to assemble together, sit, and pray. Going further, knowing the dos and dont's when it comes to the temple at home is as important as placing the temple in the correct direction. Let's now explore the Do's and the Don’ts when it comes to the temple.
Do's and Dont's for renovating a temple at home
Temple is the most auspicious and sacred place in our home. It is necessary to have everything in place and properly done when it comes to the temple. You can find Lord Krishna idols online that will enhance your temple spiritually. The Do's and the Dont's for the temple in the home are:- When it proceeds to build the temple, do not install it straight on the ground. Alternatively, store it on a supported stand or foundation.
- The temple must be constructed out of marble or wood. Malinger temples that are made of glass or acrylic.
- Do not fill the temple with too much.
- Guarantee that you do not have many figurines of the identical God or Goddess, both in a sitting or standing posture in the temple.
- The idol or photos that are set in the temple, must not be broken or cracked, as it is estimated as unfavorable.
- One must be able to deliver poojas, anywhere the temple is retained.
- Diyas must be installed on the right side of the person conducting the puja. Assure that there are electrical spots near the temple so that one can ignite up the temple through the festival days.
- Flowers in puja ghar must always be fresh. Remember to avoid stale flowers.
- Light some fragrance candles, dhoop, or incense sticks, to purge the space and produce a spiritual ambiance. Relive that purity in such an area is most prominent.
- Do not place your own photos in the puja ghar. You should also shun pictures of your family members or ancestors who have departed as it heads to an unevenness in the force of the home.
- Dodge holding anything that you do not plan on using in the puja ghar. Build a small cupboard near the temple to store the incense sticks, puja supplies, and religious books.
- Aside from the things mentioned, leather is an extra thing that is deemed to be impure as animal covering must not be located in the synagogue area.
- Dodge saving money in the puja ghar. While it is not corrupt, it is not reflected undeviatingly to save or collect money in a spot where you endeavor calm and sanctions.
- Elude putting undesirable things beneath the temple or dustbins in this puja ghar area. Also, do not save anything over the God idols.
- For liquids, utilize copper vessels entirely.
- For the temple area, utilize white, beige, lavender, or light yellow colors.
Remedies for Vastu Dosh in your puja ghar
Everyone must know the remedies to follow them when it comes to the temple. It is very necessary to keep everything in mind so nothing goes wrong and everything is done auspiciously. The remedies are:- Make sure that the God idols do not view each other.
- Hold the God idols on an increased platform. Even a mere board would work.
- Install the God idol at least an inch apart from the wall.
- Lamps and diyas should be placed in the southeast direction.
- Nevermore hold a cracked God idol.
- Guarantee a clutter-free atmosphere in the puja ghar.